AWS Weekly Roundup: AWS Parallel Computing Service, Amazon EC2 status checks, and more (September 2, 2024) | Amazon Web Services
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With the arrival of September, AWS re:Invent 2024 is now 3 months away and I am very excited for the new upcoming services and announcements at the conference. I remember attending re:Invent 2019, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. It was the biggest in-person re:Invent with 60,000+ attendees and it was my second one. It was amazing to be in that atmosphere! Registration is now open for AWS re:Invent 2024. Come join us in Las Vegas for five exciting days of keynotes, breakout sessions, chalk talks, interactive learning opportunities, and career-changing connections!

Now let’s look at the last week’s new announcements.

Last week’s launches
Here are the launches that got my attention.

Announcing AWS Parallel Computing Service – AWS Parallel Computing Service (AWS PCS) is a new managed service that lets you run and scale high performance computing (HPC) workloads on AWS. You can build scientific and engineering models and run simulations using a fully managed Slurm scheduler with built-in technical support and a rich set of customization options. Tailor your HPC environment to your specific needs and integrate it with your preferred software stack. Build complete HPC clusters that integrates compute, storage, networking, and visualization resources, and seamlessly scale from zero to thousands of instances. To learn more, visit AWS Parallel Computing Service and read Channy’s blog post.

Amazon EC2 status checks now support reachability health of attached EBS volumes – You can now use Amazon EC2 status checks to directly monitor if the Amazon EBS volumes attached to your instances are reachable and able to complete I/O operations. With this new status check, you can quickly detect attachment issues or volume impairments that may impact the performance of your applications running on Amazon EC2 instances. You can further integrate these status checks within Auto Scaling groups to monitor the health of EC2 instances and replace impacted instances to ensure high availability and reliability of your applications. Attached EBS status checks can be used along with the instance status and system status checks to monitor the health of your instances. To learn more, refer to the Status checks for Amazon EC2 instances documentation.

Amazon QuickSight now supports sharing views of embedded dashboards – You can now share views of embedded dashboards in Amazon QuickSight. This feature allows you to enable more collaborative capabilities in your application with embedded QuickSight dashboards. Additionally, you can enable personalization capabilities such as bookmarks for anonymous users. You can share a unique link that displays only your changes while staying within the application, and use dashboard or console embedding to generate a shareable link to your application page with QuickSight’s reference encapsulated using the QuickSight Embedding SDK. QuickSight Readers can then send this shareable link to their peers. When their peer accesses the shared link, they are taken to the page on the application that contains the embedded QuickSight dashboard. For more information, refer to Embedded view documentation.

Amazon Q Business launches IAM federation for user identity authentication – Amazon Q Business is a fully managed service that deploys a generative AI business expert for your enterprise data. You can use the Amazon Q Business IAM federation feature to connect your applications directly to your identity provider to source user identity and user attributes for these applications. Previously, you had to sync your user identity information from your identity provider into AWS IAM Identity Center, and then connect your Amazon Q Business applications to IAM Identity Center for user authentication. At launch, Amazon Q Business IAM federation will support the OpenID Connect (OIDC) and SAML2.0 protocols for identity provider connectivity. To learn more, visit Amazon Q Business documentation.

Amazon Bedrock now supports cross-Region inference – Amazon Bedrock announces support for cross-Region inference, an optional feature that enables you to seamlessly manage traffic bursts by utilizing compute across different AWS Regions. If you are using on-demand mode, you’ll be able to get higher throughput limits (up to 2x your allocated in-Region quotas) and enhanced resilience during periods of peak demand by using cross-Region inference. By opting in, you no longer have to spend time and effort predicting demand fluctuations. Instead, cross-Region inference dynamically routes traffic across multiple Regions, ensuring optimal availability for each request and smoother performance during high-usage periods. You can control where your inference data flows by selecting from a pre-defined set of Regions, helping you comply with applicable data residency requirements and sovereignty laws. Find the list at Supported Regions and models for cross-Region inference. To get started, refer to the Amazon Bedrock documentation or this Machine Learning blog.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

We launched existing services and instance types in additional Regions:

  • Amazon EC2 C6gd and R6gd instances are now available in AWS Europe (Spain) Region. C6gd instances are ideal for compute-intensive workloads such as high performance computing (HPC), batch processing, and CPU-based machine learning inference. R6gd instances are built for running memory-intensive workloads such as open-source databases, in-memory caches, and real time big data analytics.
  • Amazon OpenSearch Serverless now available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region. OpenSearch Serverless is a serverless deployment option for Amazon OpenSearch Service that makes it simple to run search and analytics workloads without the complexities of infrastructure management.
  • AWS Global Accelerator launches new edge location in Cairo, Egypt. AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service that helps you improve the availability and performance of the applications that you offer to your global users.
  • Amazon Redshift Serverless is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region. Amazon Redshift Serverless is a serverless option of Amazon Redshift that makes it more efficient to run and scale analytics in seconds without the need to set up and manage data warehouse infrastructure.
  • Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports Graviton3 (C7g, M7g, R7g, R7gd) instances. Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports AWS Graviton3 instances, which deliver up to 25% better performance over Graviton2-based instances.
  • AWS Config conformance packs now available in additional AWS Regions. Conformance packs allow you to bundle AWS Config rules and their associated remediation actions into a single package, simplifying deployment at scale. You can deploy and manage these conformance packs throughout your AWS environment. With this launch, AWS Config conformance packs are now available in 10 additional Regions, and organization-level management capabilities for conformance packs and individual AWS Config rules are now available in 12 additional Regions. To learn more about AWS Config conformance packs and Region availability, see our conformance packs documentation.

Other AWS events
AWS GenAI Lofts are collaborative spaces and immersive experiences that showcase AWS’s cloud and AI expertise, while providing startups and developers with hands-on access to AI products and services, exclusive sessions with industry leaders, and valuable networking opportunities with investors and peers. Find a GenAI Loft location near you and don’t forget to register.

Gen AI loft workshop

credit: Antje Barth

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendar and sign up for upcoming AWS events:

AWS Summits are free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. AWS Summits for this year are coming to an end. There are 3 more left that you can still register: Jakarta (September 5), Toronto (September 11), and Ottawa (October 9).

AWS Community Days feature technical discussions, workshops, and hands-on labs led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world. While AWS Summits 2024 are almost over, AWS Community Days are in full swing. Upcoming AWS Community Days are in Belfast (September 6), SF Bay Area (September 13), where our own Antje Barth is a keynote speaker, Argentina (September 14), and Armenia (September 14).

Browse all upcoming AWS led in-person and virtual events here.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— Esra

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

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