Get Our Leading Web Hosting Software
Whether you have a physical server or a virtual server, cPanel Inc. has the right product for you. Let’s go shopping and see what types of products we have to offer you. Come and join me at our cPanel Store!
Have a physical server? We offer our Dedicated cPanel & WHM license starting at $45/month or $425/year.
Or maybe you have an instance of Xen, KVM or Virtuozzo on your server? Our VPS cPanel & WHM license is designed to be in a virtual environment. The cost is $20/month or $200/year. You can take a look at all the compatible virtual software here: Compatible Software
If you are shopping for an operating system, for your convenience we offer CloudLinux starting as low as $16/month or $150/year for our customers with a cPanel license.
Not sure if you have the right system requirements to run cPanel? Check out our System Requirements document: System Requirements
Do you sometimes just want to talk to a live person? For licensing or pre-sales questions, you can contact one of our friendly Customer Service Specialists at 713-529-0800 option 3.
Visit our cPanel store to purchase paid Phone Support services. This option costs $65.00 and covers a single incident, which includes as many calls as needed to resolve the issue.
If Live Chatting is more your style, we have that too!
For our existing cPanel store customers, we provide additional features so you can easily manage your account online.
Do you need a copy of your invoice? If so, it is right at your fingertips in your cPanel Store account and can be viewed and printed using these steps:
1. Go to My Account
2. Under Orders click View My Orders
3. Click on View Invoice
You can also transfer a license to a new IP address with ease following these steps:
1. Go to My Account
2. Click on View My Licenses
3. Click the pencil icon to the far right of your licensed IP
4. Enter the new IP in the pop up window
5. Click Save and you are done!
Renewing or purchasing a new license is also convenient when you have a cPanel Store account.
So what are you waiting for? See how cPanel & WHM can help your business!