We are happy to announce the upcoming release of a new Profile page that will make EasyApache quicker and easier to use.
This new Profile page will include cPanel & WHM’s new Optimal Profiles. The purpose of the new profiles is to ensure that you will receive a safe and secure EasyApache build without having to access the Short or Exhaustive Options list. Each new Optimal Profile will include a selection of modules to match the current PHP version we recommend, and an Apache version that will deliver safe and reliable performance.
We will also introduce profiles that utilize the advantages of the CloudLinux operating system. One of the recommendations we make for CloudLinux users is to use the Apache MPM ITK module. This upcoming release will add the MPM ITK module to EasyApache. We will provide links to learn more about CloudLinux, and an opportunity to upgrade to the operating system.
Server administrators will continue to have access to the Short and Exhaustive Options list. You will still be able to create new profiles, customize any profile you save, and use previous profiles.
Below, we have included wire frame drafts of our new EasyApache Profile pages. Please note: These drafts do not reflect a finalized product and are subject to change. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

The cPanel Recommended Profiles page will allow system administrators to build EasyApache and learn more about CloudLinux.

The cPanel + Cloud Linux Profiles page will only be visible if a server has the CloudLinux operating system installed.
Look for these exciting changes before the end of 2013!
The EasyApache team would like to remind all users about the removal of several End of Life items. By the end of 2013, the following items will be removed from EasyApache:
- Apache 1.3
- Apache 2.0
- PHP 5.2*
- mod_frontpage*
*These items will be available as Custom Modules. You can read more about how to use and install Custom Modules at http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/EasyApache/EasyApacheCustomModules.
For additional information on these changes, check out Impending End of Life Announcements from the EasyApache Team on the cPanel Blog.